Dear Mr. Media

Dear Mr. Media,
I don't want to hear anything else about Khloe, Kim, Kourtney, Kendall, Kylie, Kris or Catlin with a " C", no more brothel or $75000 or who stole what... nothing else about Dennis Hof, the bunnies on the ranch or how many days he was there...stop blasting about his addiction to cocaine or whoever your placing blame on. I don't wanna here shiit about no camera crew or TV show...where his daddy at or how his baby mamma doing... All I wanna know is if he's going to make it. Come to us when he's breathing on his own or when he blinks or when he's smiling again. Let me know when he's sitting or standing up orwalking again. Stop telling us all his personal business and send us pictures of hope and progress. Regardless of his struggles and downfalls, he is a great human being and he deserves better.
#prayingforlamar #welovelamar #lamarodom #nba #lakers #lamar #prayersforlamar #repost #support #weallhavediffrentdemonstofight


Des Armstrong

I am an extra-regular girl with extraordinary talents. Currently, I'm learning to have faith in my abilities while navigating my way through the  aerospace industry.

I Love Magic City!!


Finally Taking the Leap... And Marrying My Passion!!