The New "New Year"... I don't make resolutions I make plans.

The siblings summer 2014

The siblings summer 2014

I am too in love with the Summer. The days get longer. The nights get a little warmer. And all the real fun begins. Summer marks the new year for me. It's the one season when I get excited about doing real work. I just focus better. Something about all the extra sunlight just makes me a happier person and I love it.

This year, for me, will be different. I don't you usually get out too much. I've decided to revisit old hobbies and obsessions. The California car culture is one thing I have always loved. Anything made prior to the eighties makes me wish I was born in the sixties just so I'd be old enough to at least be able to appreciate all the treasure created in the 70's. I could look at cars all day with no complaints. 

Summer in L.A 2014

I'm looking forward to attending all the natural hair  meet ups and conventions in Los Angeles this Summer. I have already joined one of the largest natural hair communities in LA. Thing I love about the natural hair community is... everyone is so warm and welcoming. everyone is looking to make a new connection, teach new techniques and also very open to learn. The love you get from a naturalista can't be explained. It's like when we get together our powers unite and our awesomeness is magnified beyond belief!! I love it!!

2014 summer at black knights mc

This year I am making a very conscious effort to elevate my motorcycle to all new levels. I put my duties on hold almost five years ago to have my daughter. I miss interacting with the family like atmosphere they've created. I haven't been on a moving bike in almost six years and I must say since I move back to L.A., I've been going through major withdrawals!! I'm even considering getting a new bike...hopefully. I learned to ride in 1999 and I've been addicted to it ever since. I can't wait to get back into the habit!

Summer, being my choice time to celebrate "New Years", I also have some goals carved out. Something like a total transformation. Not to please others, but to find me again. Since having my daughter I have dedicated my life to her and her awesome personality and her "larger than life" natural hair. I need to get back to being me. Currently, I plan on losing about eighty pounds, finally clearing my skin of all blemished and bruises and finally not chickening out on getting braces. Something in the back of my mind won't let the orthodontist near my face....yes I know how old I am and yes I realize I have a problem...LOL!! NO excuses this year. I promise. 

Tell me some of your plans!

Until next time....


Des Armstrong

I am an extra-regular girl with extraordinary talents. Currently, I'm learning to have faith in my abilities while navigating my way through the  aerospace industry.

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