Submission...Why is submission so hard to understand?
Somebody asked me earlier today... "do you ask your husband for permission to go out?
A Lifestyle Change of Great Proportions: A Weight Loss Journey... or Struggle.
I had the most scandalous ass faithful and unwavering relationship with Popeye's chicken. I could not pass by there and not order a couple of chicken strip meals with a side of red beans and rice. It was like crack to me and I was like Pookie in New Jack City. I had to kick that habit.
I Love Magic City!!
This year like every other year of my life.... I took a lil trip down South to Birmingham, Alabama. Always a good trip for me. It feels like a mental cleansing from the daily rush of living in L.A. I get to spend time with family and visit old places, really relax and take a break. This year was unexpectedly extra special for me. This year I had the pleasure of taking mini me along for the ride.
The BabyMama/BabyDaddy Drama Continues
I have heard so many people say "If you chose your soulmate as judiciously as you selected your selfies, you'd be happy right now...." That is absolutely true. Your present day dilemmas are directly related to the choices you made in your past.
Is It Okay To Buy Your Mother a Card on Father's Day?
My mom made some major sacrifices for us. She went above and beyond to do all the things I needed her to do. She is still and always will be the shining example on which I base my life and all my major decisions. Without her I would be nothing and I am forever grateful for everything she has taught me and done for me.
The New "New Year"... I don't make resolutions I make plans.
June 1st represents the "New Year" for me... what are your plans?