Farewell to 2017 : Happy New Year

Dear God,

Thank you for 2017.

Thank you for teaching me to love myself enough to change.

Thank you for opening my eyes to all the people that really don't give a shit about me so that I could let them go.

Thank you for not letting me sabotage myself, my integrity, my good ass job and my future when I thought I was going to die.

Thank you for not letting me die.

Thank you for giving me the common sense to make an appointment and get a second opinion.

Thank you for saving me from 2016 and all the phckry that ensued that year.

Thank you for giving me the courage to continuously communicate with family members I've never met.

And thank you for keeping my feet on the ground and out of other family members ass.

Thank you for showing me that I can be self-sufficient and that I am enough.

Thank you for showing me that I can be my own boss.

Thank you for lighting my path and giving me direction.

Thank you for showing me I haven't lost my creativity.

Thank you for all the competition I did and didn't have.

Thank you for placing me around people who see the good in me.

And thank you for the people around me who hype me up and push me forward.

Thank you for my mom, who continues to show me how much she loves me every day.

Thank you for my sister, my brothers, my husband and my daughter. They are a constant reminder that I am never alone.

Thank you for my cousins near and far, real and play... they keep me laughing, loving and smiling even when I don't want to.

Thank you to all the people who I call my friends... the turn up stay real and I love them for it.

And thank you to all the people who paid me to do anything outside of my regular job this year.

They taught me to find the opportunity in every encounter and that people will literally pay you to do anything they don't want or want to learn to do.

Thank you for my sanity, perseverance, determination, my will to learn, knowledge to implement and one more day to get it right.

And God please send an extra blessing and thank you to Cici, Apryl, Regina, Tiphani, Tracy, Mattie, Maya and Nicole. You ladies are my Sunday brunch buddies... in my head and we always have a good time.

These women helped to ignite a fire in me that I thought had long died.

These women are a constant inspiration to me.

These beautiful, black women are out here getting to business and they're teaching us and taking us along on their journeys.

To 2017... I loved you, I learned from you but you will not be missed and I am moving on.

To 2018... Biiiiiiitch shave your legs, do your hair and grab your purse. I'M READY!!

Des Armstrong

I am an extra-regular girl with extraordinary talents. Currently, I'm learning to have faith in my abilities while navigating my way through the  aerospace industry.


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