Finally Taking the Leap... And Marrying My Passion!!
@Mattieologie told me to #Marrythedream and I have never been more inspired than I am now. I am making a lot of changes to my life and how I manage my blog to #blogbetter and thanks to @mattieologie and her sister @mayaelious, I am becoming more focused, organized and more polished than I have ever been.
I Am Getting The Hair Growth Of My Life This Summer and Here Are The 3 Main Reasons Why
If you know me or know anything about me, you know that my hair has become a major accessory. You also know that my #iwokeuplikedis game has become oh so strong. I didn't really notice until yesterday how much my hair has already grown. I don't really do length checks... I just really know my hair. So when I took down my twist out I noticed a significant weight change. When you have a head as big as mine, you notice even the slightest change. So I did what any normal natural did and I pulled my selfies for the last month and a half.
Dear Periscope.... I love you.
By far the most fun and fastest way to build your network or clientele. You never know where it my take you. Get out there and be heard. It's never been more easier than this! If you're twitter friends or followers are already using than you already know who to follow.
The BabyMama/BabyDaddy Drama Continues
I have heard so many people say "If you chose your soulmate as judiciously as you selected your selfies, you'd be happy right now...." That is absolutely true. Your present day dilemmas are directly related to the choices you made in your past.
Is It Okay To Buy Your Mother a Card on Father's Day?
My mom made some major sacrifices for us. She went above and beyond to do all the things I needed her to do. She is still and always will be the shining example on which I base my life and all my major decisions. Without her I would be nothing and I am forever grateful for everything she has taught me and done for me.
The New "New Year"... I don't make resolutions I make plans.
June 1st represents the "New Year" for me... what are your plans?