Natural Hair Des Armstrong Natural Hair Des Armstrong

I Am Getting The Hair Growth Of My Life This Summer and Here Are The 3 Main Reasons Why

If you know me or know anything about me, you know that my hair has become a major accessory. You also know that my #iwokeuplikedis game has become oh so strong. I didn't really notice until yesterday how much my hair has already grown. I don't really do length checks... I just really know my hair. So when I took down my twist out I noticed a significant weight change. When you have a head as big as mine, you notice even the slightest change. So I did what any normal natural did and I pulled my selfies for the last month and a half.

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Lifestyle Des Armstrong Lifestyle Des Armstrong

Is It Okay To Buy Your Mother a Card on Father's Day?

My mom made some major sacrifices for us. She went above and beyond to do all the things I needed her to do.  She is still and always will be the shining example on which I base my life and all my major decisions. Without her I would be nothing and I am forever grateful for everything she has taught me and done for me.

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